How to Discover Your Worthiness
This moment, right now, is all that you can truly know. Regardless of what you may have done in your past, or the fears that you may have of the future, give thanks that you are here now. You are beautiful and deserve to know the gift that you are to the world. Honor the mistakes you have made, for everyone makes them, but seek the lessons that they may have to teach you. There is only one you. No matter how many people you compare yourself to, or how much you try to please others, no one can ever…
How Can I Remember I’m Valued?
"What can I do to value myself in those times when I don't feel like I am valuable and/or valued?" ~ Quinn, Baltimore, MD First, remember to be kind to yourself and know that it is part of our humanness to feel sadness, frustration, and, at times, less than. You are not wrong for what you feel. During the times you don’t feel valuable and/or valued, shift your awareness onto all that you have and all that you are. Give thanks for the opportunity to learn and grow from the challenges you face. Find gratitude in the existence of being,…
We Are All In This Together
Often times, we get so distracted, or caught up on the vastness of the “problems” of our world that we get discouraged, and don’t do anything at all. In truth, we are living in very interesting times. There are a lot of people who are hurting, or being hurt, going with out food, are not being nurtured with love, homeless, jobless, and hopeless. This is not to mention the issues that need to be addressed in regards to our mother earth. This is our reality, right now. The other reality is: there are many people who are making a difference…